Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Somebody Loves You

Ever have one of those days when it seems nobody cares or no one in particular loves you? Even we grownups have those days, but it's especially tough when you are a teenager. Whether you come from a home where both parents are together and everything is relatively peaceful or you are shuffled between households because of a divorce, you have times when you feel like nobody loves you. Nobody.

I can remember feeling that way often as I grew up. My parents divorced before I can remember and I grew up with my mom, stepfather, and five siblings. Life was not always good. There were the occasional arguments between my parents and the nagging insecurity of wondering if my mom would get divorced again. I knew that Mom loved me, but it took a long time to really feel like Daddy accepted me and loved me as his own. From his point of view there was never a question of his love, but insecurity and fear kept me from feeling his love for many years.

When I accepted Jesus as my Savior I finally learned what true love was. Although I didn't always feel confident of my stepfather's love, I knew that my heavenly Father loved me unconditionally and would have given his Son for me even if I had been the only person on the planet. That's how much he loves you, too. You're just that special to him.

The Bible tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Wherever you are today and however you feel at this moment, know that God loves you enough that he sacrificed his only child to pay the death penalty for your sin because he wants you to live with him forever. Forever! How great a love is that?!

If you have never asked Jesus into your heart, today would be a great day to do that. All you have to do is pray and ask him to forgive your sins, live in your heart, and be your Savior. If you do that, would you please tell a friend or grownup, or email me? I'd love to pray for you. My email address is

Remember, somebody loves you. His name is Jesus.

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