Monday, March 8, 2010

Righteous Rebel

A friend's recent Facebook status update got me to thinking about what it means to be a rebel. If you are a teen whose behavior is contrary to everything your parents believe and have taught you to believe, then you might proudly assume that you are a rebel, living life on your terms. You might well be living life on your own terms, but I'm not so sure that your form of rebellion makes you as special as you might think you are or even classify you as a true rebel. Rather, it makes you "just like everybody else," lost in a sea of sameness and mediocrity.

According to, a rebel is defined as "1.a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country. 2.a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition." Yet, as far as I can tell, most teenagers are not resisting the control or tradition of their government or ruler, or better put, their generation or peer group. They are sucked into the same cultural activities as the rest of their peers, controlled by unhealthy addictions, risky behaviors, and ungodly forms of entertainment, all because they are afraid to rebel against the norm and dare to take a stand for something better.

If you want to be special and stand out in your generation, then dare to be a righteous rebel, modeling your life after Jesus Christ, who himself was considered to be a true rebel. He was in this world, but not of it, and he calls us to do the same. The apostle Peter urges us "as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul" (1 Peter 2:11, NIV). Are you willing to become a righteous rebel and walk in truth and holiness like Jesus himself?

Don't be like everyone else you know. Sin is a one-way street that leads straight to the pit. Rather, be better than everyone you know by choosing to walk in truth, shine the light, and share the love of Jesus with those around you. You will never find satisfaction in the things of this world. Friends and lovers will disappoint you, possessions with satisfy you only so long, and addictive substances will only destroy you. There is a better way, the only true way to lasting fulfillment, joy, and happiness, and that is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the one Friend who will never disappoint you, make you feel bad about yourself, or cast you aside. He loves you unconditionally, so much that he willingly died on the cross to save you from your sins (John 3:16).

If you want to know more, or would like me to pray for you, please email me at or message me on Facebook.