Dear (insert your name here),
If there is one thing I have learned as a result of my own mistakes when I was your age, it is that God is infinitely more loving and patient with us than we will ever be with one another. That is his divine nature. It is not something I understand but something I accept by faith because I have experienced his love and forgiveness.
You have made a lot of mistakes in your young life on this planet, and so have I. Even in my fifties I make lots of poor choices and have to live with the consequences as a result. But I have placed my trust in God and he helps me every day to make better choices than the day before. He helps me stand back up when I fall down and gives me wisdom when I need help making decisions about what to do. My life isn't easy but I have peace because I have given my heart to Jesus and given God permission to do whatever he wants to do with my life. I am not perfect, but every day I walk a little closer with him and grow in confidence that he will fulfill his promise to take care of me.
Jesus loves you in spite of every bad choice you have made and every sin you have committed. He loves you so much that he died for your sins so you could spend eternity with him (John 3:16). Our sins require the death penalty, but Jesus took the nails and died on the cross in our place (Romans 6:23, 3:23-25). He is the God of second chances and new beginnings, but we have to repent of (turn away from) our sins and follow him by living in obedience to his Word.
It's not too late to turn your life around and let God repair the broken pieces. It's what he does best! None of the bad things in your life are wasted because he promises to work all things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
God has given us all free will and the ability to choose what we will do and whom we will follow. You can choose to continue controlling your own destiny and living life on your own terms and hope that everything works out OK eventually. Or, you can choose to turn away from the things you know are wrong and harmful, turn to his Word for guidance, and surrender your life to Jesus, knowing with confidence that he will work it all out according to his promises.
Life on this planet will never be easy, but I can promise you that it will be far better if you invite Jesus into the equation by asking him into your heart. He will show you the way when you need direction, comfort and provide for you as no one else can, and replace the broken pieces of your life with his peace -- if you will choose to let him. Please choose him! I can assure you that it will be the best choice you ever make.
Praying for you,
Dee Dee
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